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3FR Portfolio Builder

Create your own custom portfolio.

Maintain more than 100 custom strategies.

Overlay 3Fourteen alpha models.

How It Works

The 3Fourteen Portfolio Builder allows you to design, test, and maintain your own suite of custom asset allocation models. Users select their ideal asset mix, benchmark/min/max weights, rebalance frequency, and alpha model. Maintain multiple models based on differing investing goals or macro regimes.

What You Receive

Each model receives an analytics package including:

  • Long/short-term backtests,
  • Annual/monthly performance history,
  • Current/historic asset weights, and
  • Strategy performance statistics

Finally, each member receives the 3Fourteen white paper—Real Asset Allocation: The World Has Changed. Here, we introduce our Real AA Model and describe the underlying alpha model, which is available through the Portfolio Builder.


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